Perturbed Interior Point Method for LP

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Perturbed Interior Point Method (PIPM)

An infeasible primal-dual path-following Interior Point Method (IPM) with controlled perturbations for Linear Programming (LP). The use of controlled perturbations improves active-set prediction capabilities of IPMs for LP.

The main solver PIPM (/src/pipm.m) only accepts LP problems in the standard form, i,e,

        min c'*x s.t. Ax = b, x>=0.        

The future version may also accept QP problems, but currently it has not been implemented.


        p = pipm( A, b, c);             p.solve;
        p = pipm( A, b, c, options);    p.solve;


        (A,b,c) - problem data
        options - struct, optional input, controlling all parameters
            .maxIter        Maximum number of iterations allowed
                            Default value 100

            .tol            Convergence tolerance
                            Default value 1e-06

            .mu_cap         Threshold value for mu
                            Default value 1e-03

            .cutoff         Threshold value for cutoff
                            Default value 1e-05

            .iPer           Initial perturbations
                            Default value 1e-02

            .actvPredStrtgy Active-set prediction strategy
                            Default value 'conservCutoff'
                            'conservCutoff' - cutoff
                            'conservIdFunc' - identification function
                            'conservIndica' - indicators

            .doCrossOver    Controls whether or not perform crossover to
                            simplex after ipm iterations.
                            Default value 1
                            0 - No
                            1 - Yes

            .verbose        Controls how much information to display.
                            Default value 2
                            0   - Nothing
                            1   - Only optimal information
                            2   - Iterative information
                            >=3 - All information

PIPM as normal infeasible primal-dual path-following IPM:

        options.iPer = 0;               % No perturbations
        options.doCrossOver = 0;        % Disable crossover to simplex
        options.mu_cap = 1e-09;         % Push duality gap to sufficiently small

        p = pipm( A, b, c, options);


Please see examples.m in folder Examples


Yiming Yan @ University of Edinburgh


Coralia Cartis and Yiming Yan, Active-set prediction for interior point methods using controlled perturbations, accepted by Computational Optimization and Applications, September 2015

Have Fun! :)

Yiming Yan, University of Edinburgh

April 15, 2014